Danger comes from the rear passengers. Rear passengers have to make use of their seat belts.

Danger comes from the rear passengers. Rear passengers have to make use of their seat belts.

Danger! Share it.

7.651 Επισκέψεις στο άρθρο (5/5/2015) Ελληνικά

Danger comes from the rear passengers. If rear passengers don`t wear seatbelts they will kill those who are sitting at the front.

- In Greece only 23% wears rear seatbelts. This percentage reaches 97% in other countries
- Usually the driver doesnΆt feel comfortable to ask from the rear passengers to wear their seatbelts. While (WRONGLY) there are not rear seatbelt reminders, making a fuss, when somebody does not wear its seatbelt. 
- If you don`t wear your seatbelt at the front seat, you are in danger. If you don`t wear your seatbelt at the back seat you are becoming a threat to all your co-passengers. You are going to kill them! Auto Triti, during 22 consecutive years, shows social responsibility and acts accordingly to promote road safety. So it is determined to take any possible action in order to stress the importance of the use of rear seatbelts. 

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